Mooneyedmarie.....but we now know her as MARIE
First let me direct you to Marie's site
I bet when you look at her tubes you will say...I remember seeing her use that one is one of my very favorite animations.
Marie made it quite a while ago for one of Neo's challenges.
It deserves to be seen by all the newbies
It definitely shows the feelings that we all have for each other.
By the way, have you ever noticed what is written under her signatures?
For every person with a spark of genius,
there are a hundred with ignition trouble
I often feel like my engine is just not turning over LOL
Anyone want some weeds?
Like we don't already have enough in our gardens?
But I bet they were grabbed by quite a few even before Neo could put them in the safe tubes.
I know I did...did you?
And Halloween is upon us and so this scary little exclusive set was offered.
Lots of grumbles and whines were heard when we all missed out on this one.
Marie you are a treasured member and
we are really enjoying your being able to play with us as much as you have recently.
We hope that our luck will continue.
You are always so supportive of others and ready to lend a hand when needed.
You are an excellent example of what a terrific member should be
Congratulations on being this week's